Thursday, 11 May 2017

ERP analytics is now self service

Gone is the old days of exchanging tools releases for ERP analytics enablement, now you can self service the entire process…  Billing also!

We’ve been working on a completely digital process, where subscribers can implement ERP analytics themselves.

you can start here: and follow the bouncing ball.

Once you enter your subscription details, the process will allow you to upload your tools and will automatically patch it.

Also, after you are subscribed, you can patch any tools release, any time.

So, if you what to know who’s doing what


Slowest users


Slowest apps


Most time spent on page



And have this carved up by browser, city, state, day or date – you can.

take a look at what is possible

It’s also important to remember, that if you are a partner and see value in this information for your clients (which you should), then you can join our growing channel program.  We are providing these insights to many clients around the world.  You get access to all of our self service patching routines and detailed reports.

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