Sunday 7 September 2014

Tricky… All UBE’s ending in Error… UBE0000084

All UBE’s on the batch server are ending with the following:

[sourcecode language='sql' padlinenumbers='true']
UBE0000084 ERROR: Function: PDFLib_Initialize, Code: 1074593795, Message: The path does not exist.

It’s fathers day and I don’t want to be fixing this problem.

At the end of the day, it’s easy.  It’s generally the DIR that acrobat uses for writing it’s tmp files, which is %TMP% or %TEMP% for the user that runs services.  Go to that dir and delete all Acr*.tmp, then PDF’s will start writing and you’ll be able to get back to being a father (knowing that you are a CNC trouble shooter also). 

Tell the kids about this problem and your solution to get them to sleep quickly!

Note that I did refer to all other TMP dirs as referenced to by the JDE.INI, but they did nothing.

Happy fathers day!

1 comment:

Tonio said...

Thanks for this Shannon. This helped. Like you mentioned playing with the temp directories referenced by JDE did not seem to help. This did the trick