Thursday, 4 September 2014

splicing two JD Edwards load test scripts together

I do a lot of load testing with JD Edwards using oracle application testing suite.

One thing that I’ve struggled with is splicing scripts.  What do I mean…  Well you can record 70 steps of a complex script and then mess something up right at the end, or purely want to add an extra step.  How can you do this?


Goto your existing script and hit record (it’ll start recording again from the bottom), I generally mark the last step my script so I know what is going on.

Record the additional steps (including the login etc).

Stop recording.

You’ll probably find that is just does not work.

The best thing to do is play your script and look to where the content starts looking different:


You can see for me, it’s about here.

So What makes sense now, but takes time to make sense is that the JVM not only has information about all of your sessions, but all of your pages as well.  So the browser is showing you the HTML, but any interaction you do with this needs to go back to the JVM.  One element of this somewhat stateless “back and forth” is the stackID


So the browser passes this back in the post data so the JVM knows what window the browser is working with.  This equates to the open application, stack based (of course)

What you’ll find is that when you splice a script, the stack id will generally be wrong, unless you are starting with no apps running in both situations.

Correct this in all of the future calls and you’ll be good.  If you are going to make the code generic, ensure that the stack id is passed in as a variable.

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