Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Performance Benchmark with trend analysis

The JDE performance benchmark suite just got a lot better, we now have built in historical trend analysis.  You can now run the program when you want and then view the trans graphs for your individual tests.

So, you all know the “one off” graph, which shows you how fast all of the text executions went for your previous run, this is shown below:


We can now look at historical trend analysis, using the form exit “analysis”.  Each time you select a new row, you’ll get the trend line for the test.


As you can see from above you can look at trend analysis of any of the tests, which can show you fluctuations based upon time of date / date of test.


Above is the average results for calling the complex business function 25 times – average of 17 seconds for this site.

This will help you keep your finger on the pulse of JD Edwards performance management.

This latest build will be available for free download tomorrow morning. http://myriad-it.com/solution/performance-benchmark/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Shannon, I love you Blog, you really are an expert on JDE.

I can not download the software https://www.myriad-online.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?lang=EN
Do you have another link?

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Communication with the Oracle 12c database is being lost, approximately every 3 or 4 days. I do not know what's happening suddenly started
