Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Simple reconciliation of OMW projects not in Prod

This will give you a list of projects that have CO based objects (probably won’t give you UDC only objects) that have gone to PY910 but not prod.  This looks over the OMW logging table and determines what has gone from DV910 to PY910 but not PP910 to PD910.  Note that you  might need to change the FROM and TO.

Also,I don’t want projects that are at 99 or 38 – as they are complete.

select * from sy910.f98220
where PMOMWPRJID in (
select distinct lhomwprjid
from sy910.f98210
where lhomwfpe = 'DV910'
and lhomwtpe = 'PY910'
select distinct lhomwprjid
from sy910.f98210
where lhomwfpe = 'PP910'
and lhomwtpe = 'PD910')
and pmomwps not in ('99','38');

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