Saturday, 2 June 2012

AS/400 change JDE password problems

Simple request, Shannon change the JDE password this weekend, we feel that auditors are not going to appreciate the password being JDE.  Fair enough I say…

They have a great password up their sleeves, lets say Numpty99! for example….

NO – Don’t do it.

No lower case, no special characters, KISS for the JDE password for AS/400.  (Keep It Simple Silly)…

I tried using lower case passwords on the AS/400, special characters and got the following in the kernel logs, only when I was trying to log into the web client.  The services started fine…  Scheduled jobs running without a problem… Could not sign into the web!

Java logs saying “Calling leftUDCJustify” failed, classic web server rubbish!  Right, look at the kernel logs…

ID/PSThread_ID:  885/42
System Thread ID: 42
Thread Name:      SYS:Response Msg Listener
Level  Program    Library    Module     Statement  Procedure
0      QC2UTIL1   QSYS       QC2MI3     0000000001 deq
1      JDEIPC     E900SYS    MSG        0000000039 JDE_msgrcv
2      JDEIPC     E900SYS    IPCSYSV    0000000011 receiveMessage
3      JDEIPC     E900SYS    IPCPUB     0000000032 ipcGetQueueEntry
4      JDENET     E900SYS    EXTMSGQ    0000000032 getExternalQueueEntry
5      JDENET     E900SYS    NETFLOW    0000000024 psthread_reponse_worker_function
6      PSTHREAD   E900SYS    PSTHREAD   0000000009 threadFunctionWrapper
7      QP0WPINT   QSYS       QP0WSPTHR  0000000019 pthread_create_part2
8      QLESPI     QSYS       QLECRTTH   0000000019 LE_Create_Thread2__FP12crtth_parm_t

885/38 WRK:Init Remote Env Token             Sat Jun  2 15:12:41.673192    jde400u.c2115

LIB0000004 - Failed to get the profile handle for user id: "JDE " 400MSG = CPF22E20

There is the classic final line.

Great hit on mySupport,

The site I was at had QPWDLVL set to 3, this did not affect the toll it had on JDE…  DSPSYSVAL QPWDLVL so see what your site has it set at.

I changed the password to NUMPTY991 [I did not change it to this, this is for illustrative purposes], all good.  Capitals and simple characters!

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