Friday, 12 November 2010

xm – xen manager for OVM

We are running a bunch of OVM in the office for our demo systems, it’s very cool.  I’m quite new to all of this, so apologies for the numpties view.


Above is the console that you do all your VM management from.  It’s pretty basic, but you can get the job done.  We have 10 virtual machines listed.

You can see the actual IRON that you’re using under the servers tab:


So I want to see what is going on on my host in terms of disk and CPU.  One of the guest machines is going bonkers and I want to see what the host is doing…  What do I do?

ssh (via putty [best software in the world{except for vi}]) to the server listed under the servers tab and execute:

xm top

This will give you a view of what the various machines are doing behind the scenes:


Note that top gives you nothing, you need to use the xm top function.

xm – xen management

from man:

       The xm program is the main interface for managing Xen guest domains. The program can be used to create, pause, and shutdown domains. It can also be
       used to list current domains, enable or pin VCPUs, and attach or detach virtual block devices.

xm list

[root@MYRSVMH5D ~]# xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
130_E1BSS                                  128  2048     2     -b----   3909.9
135_CRAIGDB10                              129  2048     2     -b----  27540.2
151_E1DEV2                                 160  4096     1     -b----   2229.8
99_E1DEPR2                                 131  4096     2     r----- 197255.2
Domain-0                                     0   563    16     r----- 363896.7
E1DB                                        18  8192     4     ------ 221778.2
E1ENT                                       33  4096     2     -b---- 110251.5
E1WEB                                       43  2048     2     -b----  90064.1
MYRSOVMM                                     1  2048     2     -b----  33083.4

This stuff is too easy and too cool!

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