Monday, 20 July 2020

we all know, but... Where are my business services actually running?

How can we tell what BSSV server is going to be used?


Pretty simple, we look at the service configurations, I fast path to P986110 zjde0003

Potentially the tip above is the best thing about this post, quickly getting to the service definitions.

Choose the data source you want, then boom!


But as you know, this can be a hard choice...  Like below, there are so many servers / sources.



We all know the difference between server map and system data sources?  Yes!


The server map is where server based functions (BSFN or UBE) look to find things.  Thats right, BSFN.  In JDE most of the business functions run on the enterprise server (well, those that are written in C as BSFNs and those that are converted to C as NERs).


The System is where interactive web processes look to find things.


Therefore, if you call a BSSV from a system function – this is going to use the system mappings.


If you call a BSSV using a BSFN or NER – these are going to use the servermap to work out where they are going to run!  Therefore you need to look at the location where the BSFN is going to run in System (which is generally the DEFAULT BSFN map as below).  Then when you find that server, look at it's servermap to find where the BSSV is going to run.  

Finally, look at any magic in host name overrides, because honestly - the JDE logic server does not really care about load balancers or host overrides - the jdenet kernel will send network traffic to the IP address that is given from the hostname in the service definition.



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