Monday, 27 July 2020

Oracle Application Testing Suite - forgotten administrator password?

Oh, it's painfull...  All you want to do is login and upgrade the oats database or just login, and you cannot.

It'd easy changing the oats and olt user -

sqlplus /@xe as sysdba

SQL> alter user oats identified by HelloWorld99 account unlock;

But the admin account is frustrating.

You can log into wls admin http://localhost:8088/console

and login with oats and your admin password (if you remember the latest one).  Note that you can get confused, because even if you reinstall OATS, it seems to remember the first admin password or want it in the database.

So, what you need is this badboy - at the command line:

C:\OracleATS\lib>C:\OracleATS\jdk\bin\java.exe -Djava.library.path=c:\OracleATS\lib -jar ResetPassword.jar -otm "OATS_otm_DS"

Warning: This will reset the password for the Administrator account in the 'OATS_otm_DS' database. This action cannot be undone. Press Ctrl-C to cancel or enter the new password below.

Enter password:
Confirm password:

Password has been changed successfully.


C:\OracleATS\lib>C:\OracleATS\jdk\bin\java.exe -Djava.library.path=c:\OracleATS\lib -jar ResetPassword.jar -olt "Default OLT Database"

Warning: This will reset the password for the Administrator account in the 'Default OLT Database' database. This action cannot be undone. Press Ctrl-C to cancel or enter the new password below.

Enter password:
Confirm password:

Password has been changed successfully.

BOOM - logging in!

Now I need to solve Steve's question about OTM playback and having the correct delay in the script!

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