Wednesday, 22 July 2020

JDE Table Explorer

Have you ever wanted to quickly determine what all of the columns in a table was?  Really wanted to know the DD items for a table or where is a system code you would find a particular DD item / alias?  Have you ever wanted to search through all the media objects for DD items to find the relevant error message / table text description.  Well, I know that I have...

Use the report here:

Have I got a treat for you - here is my JDE Table explorer.  I've developed this after hours over the last 3 or 4 nights.  It's been a very interesting task involving a lot of new technology.  Once again, I cannot speak highly enough of google data studio, this platform has enabled me to visualize data like nothing else.  It's amazing and I'll continue to promote and embrace it's capabilities.  The work that my team have done with sending data from JDE to the cloud and enabling this engine to visualise data has been great to watch.

The above shot, shows you in essence what you can do...  Choose any of the drop downs and start to look at the JDE table definitions.  All tables and all information.

I know that there are a lot of options out there for looking at the JDE table definitions.  I wanted this to be super simple and have google like search capability....  Just look in any of the fields really quickly.

I do want to extend this, but you need to start somewhere.

Remember that if you use the 3 dots, you can export to excel very easily.

You can select a system code or a DDAlias and quickly see all of the tables that use those attributes.

It's super easy and flexible.  This is 9.2 with all the updates!

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