Tuesday, 7 July 2020

follow up WSAECONNRESET in jde log files - using KeepAliveTime in windows 2012 R2

It all started here:  https://shannonscncjdeblog.blogspot.com/2020/06/help-with-excessive-wsaeconnreset.html

Too many of these in the logs:  WSAECONNRESET 

I like this font, so I'm going to continue with it.

I raised a call with oracle, asking them if jde uses anything like keepAlive, and yes they do.  If you look in the JDE.INI under [JDENET] you'll see useKeepAlive, which is enabled as a default...

So this had me crushed.  JD Edwards has this enabled, yet I'm still getting my connections being terminated - but here is the thing - this setting only inherits the operating system settings for keep alive.  What!!  This means that I still have a chance.

After I checked the registry, the setting was not enabled - what an emotional roller coaster hey!  So there were no OS settings for JDE to enforce in it's socket operations.  This is good news.  We need to set a time in the following registry entry of 20 minutes so that the connections are tested at that interval.


This is set to a time that windows will send some activity and prevent the FW then killing the connection because of inactivity.  More details here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/nettracer/things-that-you-may-want-to-know-about-tcp-keepalives

We are in the process of getting this tested on non-production servers - watch this space.

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