Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Tip from the trenches, interpreting R9698711

Here is a nice gotcha!

Quite often I use the R9698711 to tell me what tables are out of sync between the database and specs, good report.

Here is a problem though, if there is a spec difference – the row count will be 0 – no matter if there are lots of rows.

For example,

Object Name Product Code Record  Count Data Class DS Type Primary Key  (YN) Unique Indexes (In Table) Total Indexes (in Table) Total Indexes (In Specs) Message (Difference between Table and Specification)
F1217Z2 12 0 B I Column(s)  LATT, LONG  in Specs, not found in table
F40051 40 0 B I Column(s)  DMCS, DMCT, OLOCN, OLOTN  in Specs, not found in table
F42I010 42I 0 B I Column(s)  URAB, URAT, URCD, URDT  in Specs, not found in table
F42I015 42I 0 B I Column(s)  BCRC, CRCD, LOTN, OIPR  in Specs, not found in table


There are 100000’s of rows in these tables from 9.1 to 9.2.  Interestingly there is no TC provided from JDE to convert the data in them (especially F470371 & F40051).

Of course, if you just do what I do and drop all these tables and create them because they have 0 rows, you’d be making a mistake!

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