Monday, 27 February 2017

9.2 upgrade running TC’s and getting error on F98950 conversion


The first conversion is always the hardest to get going.

I’ve done this 100 times before, perhaps add another 0

I’m running all TC’s locally, because there are hardly any proper ones in the 9.2 upgrade (from 9.1).  I’m also avoiding the production AS/400.

I’m getting the old System – 910 password entry dialog, and I have the following in the logs: (jde.log)

ODB0000164 - DBC:00 [28000][8002][1]

Okay, so on a hunch I start looking around and have seen which looks really similar, they suggest whacking your current user (in my case JDEUPG) into the [DSPWD] section of the JDE.INI

So I do this (I’m AS/400 and not using security server), and all of my problems go away!

Nice little fix to what could have been a big problem.

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