Friday, 10 October 2014

vbscript tell me when my machine / website / anything

Here is a simple script that will tell you when a ip / name / web address comes up:

Dim strServerName, oFSO, WSHShell, strServerFile, PINGFlag, i, ServerPingFlag
Dim strLogFileName, strLogFolderName, strLogPath, objLogFolderName
Dim objLogFileName, objLogTextFile, strMyDate
Const ForAppending = 8
Public strMailTo, strSMTP, strSubject, strBody, strSMTPUserName, strSMTPPassword, strSMTPPort

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'Keep looping back through the script so that it stays running
i = 0
Do While i = 0
serverList = ARRAY("aubdc00-jap01p","aubdc00-jap02p")

for each strServerName in serverList
If ServerPing(strServerName) Then
ServerPingFlag = "Online"
EmailAdmins strServerName
'Ping was successful
'Ping was not successful
ServerPingFlag = "***Offline***"
End If
'This is in milliseconds, 5000 is 5 seconds
WScript.Sleep 60000

'ServerPing Function
'Ping the server and if available return true, otherwise false
Function ServerPing(strServerName)
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
PINGFlag = Not CBool(WSHShell.Run("ping -n 1 " & strServerName, 0, True))
If PINGFlag = True Then
'Ping was successful
ServerPing = True
'Ping not successful
ServerPing = False
End If
End Function

'EmailAdmins Sub-Routine
'Send email to the admins
Sub EmailAdmins (strServerName)
on error resume next
Dim iMsg
Dim iConf
Dim Flds
Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
Const strSmartHost = ""
RecipientNames = ARRAY("")

for each name in RecipientNames
'Create the message object
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
'Create the configuration object
Set iConf = iMsg.Configuration
'Set the fields of the configuration object to send using SMTP via port 25.
With iConf.Fields
.item("") = cdoSendUsingPort
.item("") = strSmartHost
End With

'Set the message to,from,subject,body properties.
if strlen(attachment) > 1 then
With iMsg
.AddAttachment attachment
.To = name
.From = FromEmailAddress
.Subject = "Server is up" & " " & now() & strServerName
.TextBody = chr(1) & " " & strServerName
End With
With iMsg
.To = name
.From = FromEmailAddress
.Subject = "Server is up" & " " & now() & strServerName
.TextBody = chr(1) & " " & strServerName
End With
end if
set iMsg = Nothing

End Sub

This can easily be modified to do all sorts of emailing, when machines are up or down.  This was conceived because we were waiting for the AS/400 to come back up after a backup, so instead of hanging around – we just awaited the email… (perhaps from the pub – perhaps not…)

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