Tuesday, 7 August 2012

tool release 9.1 on apps release 9.0 deployment server–which install program do I use? Which oracle home to choose.

What a nightmare, you can only get this right with lots of reading and some pretty difficult searching.    The succinct version is below. 

backups first (system, systemcomp and oneworld client install)

In the link http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24902_01/nav/installation.htm, under the deployment server reference guide e18836.pdf, you can find the steps to install the Tools release for the deployment server.

The correct setup.exe to use is under folder ../ToolsRelease/Install  (D:\software\9104DepServer\Disk 1\ToolsRelease\install\setup.exe in my example)


specify home details – JD Edwards enterprise one screen – choose your existing home.  Note that if OUI was not used for the 8.98 install (which I can tell you it was not).  The home that you want to upgrade will not exist.  So create a new one (like above) and point to the E900 dir on the deployment server (you got backups?)


Hit yes, don’t be scared!


next – go!


Then hopefully you get:


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