Wednesday, 8 August 2012

More MSDE / SEE problems for 9.1 tools release install

I finally go the database being created, but then started getting “login prompts” for “PKgBuild MSDE …” – wow is this going to end?  This is in relation to the SA password and the fact that JD Edwards needs an encrypted password beyond  I tried hard to use the system\bin32\reconfigureMSDE.exe – but could not get it working.  It seems that my SA account was unlocked.


I have no access to SQLServer tools, so the following did it!

C:\Users\xxx>osql -S VSYDJDE02\JDESSELOCAL -E
1> alter login sa with password = 'S0mething99!' UNLOCK
2> go
1> quit

Then plug that password into the reconfigureMSDE.exe and finally the build might start working.

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