Friday, 18 May 2012

Uploading templates into OVM 3

A little frustrating…  Yes!  A little annoying, Yes…

Simple to work around, kinda…


The screen above shows how to find the templates in OVM 3.  Remember to find them when the server pools item is highlighted.

The  choose the little import button (blue arrow down).  The super frustrating thing is that you now have to set up apache, or IIS to expose your downloads to this interface: 


Arrgghh, right…  Windows 7 pro. 8GB of tar balls, how can I get a ftp or http in front if these?  I guess that i’m going to use IIS or some basic FTP server program running on my machine.

Okay, I’m going for IIS:


Don’t just do what I did and choose the ftp items, as you will not be able to manage them – Doh.  Choose the IIS management piece too.

When you get your FTP site set up correctly (make sure the root dir is okay.  Allow anonymous connections and also add an entry in FTP authorisation for anonymous with read permissions), you should see this if you use a url like ftp://myrl001  (your machine name)


Remember that you might also need to turn off your firewall on your windows 7 machine…  Or at least allow ftp port 21 traffic through.

Also, remember that OVM wants to upload these files as compressed tar balls, not just tar balls.  So, don’t think u are being helpful by uncompressing the files on your windows machine prior to the upload, it ain’t going to work.

Now I’m getting errors with the untar… 

(05/18/2012 01:32:51:322 AM) Async operation failed on server: MYRSVMH5D. Object: cfgFile_0004fb0000140000fbea282af82e3ff2, PID: 27993, Server error message: Template import error: Command: (tar xzf /OVS/Repositories/0004fb00000300005dbf9d7f41f5d4c1/Templates/0004fb0000140000fbea282af82e3ff2/tmp/OVM_EM12_1of3.tgz --no-same-owner -C /OVS/Repositories/0004fb00000300005dbf9d7f41f5d4c1/Templates/0004fb0000140000fbea282af82e3ff2/tmp) failed: (2)

I’ll need to run this manually to work out what is going on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Same issue. Async operation failed on server:XXXX

Please let me know the solution if you found one.