Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Package deploy on different pathcode

ever been up late at night… Waiting for that damn UBE to finish so you could deploy a package… Maybe I’ve got good news for you… Maybe after reading this, you’ll get more sleep at night, just maybe…

Did you know that if the UBE is running in a pathcode that you are not deploying the package for, it will not prevent the package build from completing properly? Did you? Seriously? Did you know that for 100% certainty… Nah, I thought so… Well now you do.

Enjoy you deployments…

***News flash, this is not the case for AS/400's. It seems that they need full access.***

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I found out this just few days back.

Was deploying a package for PD and ran a build for PY at the same time,same machine.
Both the things finished off perfectly well .........

But this was just for update pkgs. I haven't tried it out for a full pkg. Also, I have tried this one just for Release 9.0...not tried it on previous releases. Don't know what the result is gonna be.
