Monday, 27 July 2009

Installing 8.98 on existing unix server

I’m installing via SM to a unix server that has 8.96 on it.

It’s happened twice now, so I know that it’s not just me… 

the JDE.INI file will be written with a dodgy [JDEIPC]


setting.  It’s been set to blank twice for me (AIX).  You need to change this to 4000 or something.  Note that you’ll also need to run ipcs (at unix command line as jde user that runs services) to see if jde812 still owns and share resources.  You might then have to delete any dodgy ones with ipcrm –m XXXXXX

I find that if you try to start JDE without first locating this section, it will create shared memory that will prevent services starting.  You need to get rid of this with ipcrm

You also remember to run the following is you are installing one of the newest tools releases.


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