Tuesday, 14 July 2009

More speed captain

Want some more system speed?  I’ve got a plan, it’s sneeky and cheeky. 

Do what many people do, let users generate all of the objects for the PD environment with web JITI.  This will populate the F989999 with all of the WBOID’s.  Extract a unique list of APPL and UBE objects and paste them into a GeneratorList.txt file (just like the ones that are in the work dir of the update package build on the deployment server.

Contents of the GeneratorList.txt

  • #Do Not modify the Magic Number or its position in any case!
  • #This file contains the objects that will be generated  when
  • #this file is chosen and menu Item BulkGen is clicked
  • #Add the desired objects in the proper section
  • #Invalid object names or objects in incorrect section can
  • #not be generated.
  • #Applications
  • APP:P00950
  • #Reports
  • REPORT:R009505
  • #Ners (NERs are case-sensitive)
  • NER:IsDataSelectionSecurityPresent
  • #BSFN (BSFNs are case-sensitive)
  • BSFN:BuildPackage
  • #DSTR
  • DSTR:D00950N
  • #DSTR
  • DSTR:T009505

So basically, you need to use the template above and generate the contents with SQL.

This is oracle syntax…

select distinct 'APP:' || substr(wboid,5,instr(wboid,'-',4,2)-5) from pd812.f989999 where wboid like 'APP-%'

select distinct 'REPORT:' || substr(wboid,12, length(ltrim(rtrim(wboid)))-11) from pd812.f989999 where wboid like ‘REPORTINF%’

Note that in oracle you should put “set pagesize 0” you could also spool the output to a file.

Appending these two statements will create a GeneratorList.txt file that will generate all of the APPS and UBEs that have been used since the last full deployment.

This is much quicker than a full build and much more efficient!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

U are Da Man ... muh friend
