but it gets the following error when trying to log into the orchestration suite:
![]() | Error: Login Failed |
User is not included in the AIS server White List, contact your server administrator
Note that it does not get this error when logging into the orchestration client (directly to AIS), so the error is a little bit strange!
A quick check of support.oracle.com shows me an error found in - great -that is our release.
go here: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocContentDisplay?_afrLoop=249178588426576&id=2040956.1&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=10h8xp9h9n_145
Funny thing is that is works as JDE, but not as another user. So I decided to follow the following option2 (as option 1 was for windoze).
Option 2:
a. take a backup of the config.xml file found in the 'WebLogic_home\user_projects\domains\AISDomainLocation\config' directory
b. add the '<enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials>false</enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials>" entry to the config.xml just before the closing
b. add the '<enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials>false</enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials>" entry to the config.xml just before the closing
backup your config.xml file from you domain home config dir
[oracle@ip-10-10-1-235 config]$ cp config.xml confix.shannon.xml
[oracle@ip-10-10-1-235 config]$ pwd
vi this file and add the line in bold
Note that I had my AIS server, ADF and everything under the same home. So I do not need to do this multiple times for multiple config.xml's
The fact that I get this problem with orchestration studio, means that I need to restart 9401, but I'll probably do my AIS server also.
Okay, so none of that made any difference. It seems that you need to add this to the AIS server config for allowed users...
Admin Service Allowed User List Help
Once I did this and synchronised rest.ini, then stopped and then started...
We finally could login as another user.
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