Thursday, 29 December 2016

E920 upgrade JDE TCs failing, F98950 R89952450

Getting this in the logs:

2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Thu Dec 29 14:04:11.762065    jdb_rst.c1243
    JDB9900307 - Failed to find table specifications

2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Thu Dec 29 14:04:11.762067    jdb_rq1.c1883
    JDB3100007 - Failed to get valid table specifications

2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Thu Dec 29 14:04:11.762070    tcinit.c1250
    TCE009101 - Couldn't open F952450.

Funny thing is (well, it’s not funny…  This is a new pathcode that is being upgraded – UA920.

This table is new in 920 and should be in central objects.

I can see that it does exist and has the right column count:

select count(1) from qsys2.syscolumns where table_schema = 'COUA920' and table_name = 'F952450';

This did not fail for DV920 or PY920… so we have something specific for UA920.

I enabled logging on the dep server to find out more…

ec 29 14:04:11.762060 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Exiting JDB_FreeUser with Success(UserHandle 0D3F98E0)
Dec 29 14:04:11.762061 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Exited jdeCloseDictionary with DDType 0
Dec 29 14:04:11.762062 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            JDB9900913 - Failed to create global table specs for F952450
Dec 29 14:04:11.762064 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            JDB9900307 - Failed to find table specifications
Dec 29 14:04:11.762066 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            JDB3100007 - Failed to get valid table specifications
Dec 29 14:04:11.762068 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Exiting JDB_OpenTable(Table = F952450) with Failure
Dec 29 14:04:11.762069 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            TCE009101 - Couldn't open F952450.
Dec 29 14:04:11.762071 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Entering JDB_CloseTable (hRequest 087A5A40)
Dec 29 14:04:11.762072 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Entering JDB_CloseTable(Table = F98950)
Dec 29 14:04:11.762073 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Entering JDB_ClearSequencing (hRequest 087A5A40)
Dec 29 14:04:11.762074 - 2400/6448 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject            Exiting JDB_ClearSequencing with Success

Then I think about the fact that this is a new path code and I look in the spec.ini

D:\JDEdwards\E920\UA920\spec & planner

PLANNER_DataSource=Local - PLANNER Specs
DV920_DataSource=Local - PLANNER Specs
PD920_DataSource=Local - PLANNER Specs
PS920_DataSource=Local - PLANNER Specs
PY920_DataSource=Local - PLANNER Specs

Okay, I think that this might be it

I add

UA920_DataSource=Local - PLANNER Specs

And try again.

Am I confident?  No, I leave logging on…  this is the true definition of CNC confidence with table conversions.  If you think you’ve nailed it – you turn logging on in the client jde.ini on the dep server.


I should have been more confident – problem solved.

1 comment:

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