Sunday, 11 December 2016

JD Edwards and Azure AD Services for SSO via oauth

I cannot believe how much I enjoy logging into JD Edwards when I do not need to enter my password.  I then start to count the $$ people are saving as their entire staff are no longer forgetting their JD Edwards password.  That’s right, long usernames and passwords also completely supported.

Some other nice things are that traditional sign in also works for the luddites and people that need to use the thick client.

Some of the uber nerds at Myriad have written some awesome software that allow you to SSO into JD Edwards using Azure AD Services – wow. 

When “on prem”,


We get the modified login screen, fancy new button for AD login.

click it and…


you are in – immediately.

We are using the standard long username mapping functionality in JD Edwards to ensure that it’s all compliant

sign off:


Then redirected back to the login screen:


Wow, how cool is that.

If you try and login while not in the corporate network


You get a challenge for your domain credentials via Azure

Then you log into JDE

How cool is that?

The other extension of this solution is that JDE is hosted in AWS and Azure AD authentication is of course from another cloud – can you see it all coming together?


Unknown said...

Hi There,
We are trying to do this in our environment. Is this a service your company provides? Can someone please contact me at

Office Glen said...

I'm interested in setting this up as well. Can you reach out to me an discuss implementation in my environment?

Shannon Moir said...

sure thing office glenn, drop us an email at shannon dot moir at and I'll send you the information