Wednesday, 30 September 2015

enter lots of table names into data selection for R98403

Remember to create a vbs script to enter all of your table names into R98403 data selection.  This is an AWESOME time saver:

set objShell = wscript.createobject("WScript.Shell")

Do until success = True
Success = objshell.AppActivate("List Of Values")
'Success = objshell.AppActivate("something.txt - notepad")
wscript.sleep 1000

wscript.sleep 100
wscript.echo "Start data pump"
wscript.sleep 100
Success = objshell.AppActivate("List Of Values")
objshell.sendkeys "+{tab}+{tab}"

objshell.sendkeys "F98840~"
objshell.sendkeys "F98800~"
objshell.sendkeys "F98830~"
objshell.sendkeys "F98810~"
objshell.sendkeys "F594218~"
objshell.sendkeys "F590001~"
objshell.sendkeys "F594213~"
objshell.sendkeys "F590120~"
objshell.sendkeys "F594109~"
objshell.sendkeys "F4096~"
objshell.sendkeys "F0901D~"
objshell.sendkeys "F38111~"
objshell.sendkeys "F594111~"
objshell.sendkeys "F594110~"
objshell.sendkeys "F599312~"
objshell.sendkeys "F62UI13~"
objshell.sendkeys "F56108~"
objshell.sendkeys "F1204~"
objshell.sendkeys "F01131~"
objshell.sendkeys "F56107~"
objshell.sendkeys "F03B16~"
objshell.sendkeys "F3403~"
objshell.sendkeys "F6110~"
objshell.sendkeys "F57150~"
objshell.sendkeys "F470561~"
objshell.sendkeys "F00165~"
objshell.sendkeys "F43199~"

I’ve blogged on this previously, there are small changes that you need to make between tools releases.


Run the script


And in 1 second, you have your many values in data selection!



Stewart Schatz said...

I must have missed your previous post on this but... HOLY CRAP! THIS IS AWESOME!

This is really going to save me time when setting up my migrations from IBM iSeries to MS SQL Server.

Very Cool! Thank you once again, Shannon!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. We had a request for this last week from a user, but on the web client where the response times are a bit slower than the FAT client.

I wrote a similar vbscript that the user could run on the web-client for them and saved them a lot of repetitive data entry using a tool called AutoIT. User can run the script themselves and the script reads the data from an Excel spreadsheet.

Erick said...

I wrote a tool (using VB.NET) to read data from clipboard.
User can use ctrl+c to copy data and press "start" then wait 5 second to import.
(fatclient version and web version)
That save users much time.