Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Quick deployment server tip – What is “System Local”

When you log into PLANNER in a modern installation, where do your tables exist?  For example, if I log into JDEPLAN and then look at data sources.


And choose Planner – which table is this going to select from?

<P>select table_name, owner from all_tables where table_name = 'F98611' ;</P>
<BR>------------------------------ ------------------------------

This is coming from jdeplan910 of course, so when is jdesy910 used?

That is fairly easy to answer too, as we know a few things about bootstrapping from JDE.INI, which leads us to the truth.

Remember that before the fat client on the deployment server knows ANYTHING, it looks at JDE.INI (c:\windows)…

[DB SYSTEM SETTINGS]<BR>Version=43<BR>Default User=JDE<BR>Default 
Role=*ALL<BR>Default Env=JDEPLAN<BR>Default PathCode=PLANNER<BR>Base
Datasource=Planner - 910<BR>Server=<BR>Database=E1Local<BR>Load
Library=<BR>Decimal Shift =Y<BR>Julian Dates=Y<BR>Use

So we can see from here that the client uses this datasource to load OCM’s, so if you want to see where things are located, look at the OCM’s that are pointed to in the JDE.INI (same for any client!)

Therefore, we can see the data sources that are mapped to JDESY910


So we can then go to OCM, to find out how these are used:


Ahh, so now we know, and it all seems related to ESU’s and product packaging.  Another place to put configuration that you do not want to reference, but perhaps build from. 

So if you need to SQL any data sources for planner (say you are changing something low level – tnsnames.ora alias for a lot of data sources), then you must ensure that you update the correct F98611 and F986101:

update jdeplan910.f98611 set omdatb = 'E1SYS2' where upper(omdatb) = 'E1SYS';

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