Saturday, 12 April 2014

Quantifying employee / user productivity with ERP analytics

What am I talking about?  The ability to see who is your busiest ERP user, what screens they are going to and how often.  Working out your end user interactive productivity.  Sure, anyone can count the UBE’s that they run, or a quick query to see how machine sales orders they process or how many batches they post – but are those a true reflection of user productivity?  No.

We’ve created ERP analytics, where we plug in the google analytic engine to your ERP.  This gives us the ability to slice and dice your ERP usage – so you can work out your most productive users or your least productive users – this could be good information.

Add to this the average interactive performance metrics that can come out as well.  Add to this alerts if your system starts to slow down.  You are being told that the average interactive performance of your ERP is lower than expected – asking you to check things out!  All of this is possible with Myriad’s ERP analytics.

This is a “no cost” service, where we apply our proprietary changes to your ERP installation which will being to populate your profile in google analytics.  Within days and weeks you can understand what is being run, and how much it’s being used.  Imagine upgrade time knowing EXACTLY what applications are being used and how often.  Hone in your retrofit efforts!


So you can see from the above that you know how many users are logging in.  Where they are logging in from, their browser, their OS everything.

We can tell you real-time – who is logged in – where they are logging in from:


We can tell you what app was used on what day


The slice and dice capabilities are endless.

We can also compare your performance (and usage patterns to other companies (anonymously).

All of this for free?  Too good to be true?  Well it’s not.  Installation and configuration is all free.  After two weeks we do a session with you to show you the data and you can see how you’d like to access the data.

Access to the live data only costs a small subscription fee for the number of users that need access to the analytics data.

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