Thursday, 3 April 2014

Is midnight AM or PM?

If your life depended on it, do you really and truly know the answer?

I know this is a pretty dumb question, but…  I was asked to schedule a job for 12 midnight and did not really know if I should be selecting AM or PM in the “AM or PM indicator”. 

Google has informed me that midnight is AM and midday is PM – thanks Google, no more midday reboots!


Anonymous said...

I normally schedule at 11:59:59 pm

Anonymous said...

I normally schedule at 11:59:59 pm said...

I just knew the right answer ;-)

Anonymous said...

Actually its neither AM or PM. AM means After meridian, and PM means Post Meridian. As 12:00:00 is neither pre or post meridian, it is neither AM or PM. 12 midday is exactly that, 12 midday not 12 AM or 12 PM, and the same can be said for 12 midnight, it is neither AM or PM.
To run a job at midnight, it should be set to run at 24:00:00 (or 00:00:00), or at 11:59:59pm