Wednesday, 27 February 2013

PDF write errors on unix

UBE0000084 ERROR: Function: PDFLib_Initialize, Code: 1073807366, Message: A temporary file could not be opened

I inherited another unix based system and had a few issues with the user that ran the services and the setup of that user.  I’m working with a clone of the original machine, so there have been some “funny buggers” going on with groups on unix.  Typical.  anyway, PDF files were not being generated.  Fine, check MOS, I know there is a netTemporaryDir entry in the JDENET section of the ini to redirect temp files.  (this came from way, waaaay back).


I changed this setting, bounced services and had the same problem…  Hmm…

I tried


This worked for small UBE’s – but large ones were failing (yes over 2GB).  Did you know that if a UBE created a PDF file that was greater than 2GB it’ll never complete.  I think, who in their right mind would want to read / open / admit to wanting a PDF file that was 2GB?  I want them off my system if they still want the file!  Good old JDE leaves the 2GB file in the temp dir (which temp dir…?  I’m getting to that).

The fix above tells JDE not to use the TEMP dir for the temp creation of the PDF – hey that is NICE!  This improves the performance of UBE’s because everything is done in memory (unless you have 2GB files – like me!!!!   arrgghh).

Why do I have 2GB files you ask…  Well, there is a problem with a partially restored F0911 and F0902, so there are LOADS of problems in the R007021 integrity – ahh, making sense now?

So, I still have my problem of not being able to write temp files.

Then, I find another call relating to the environment variable TMPDIR that is set in /u01/app/jdedwards/e910/SharedScripts/  This is an AIX install and 812, so they are actually setting the temp dir for acrobat files in the environment variable, which overrides the JDE.INI file setting. 

Change this, log out, log back in.  Restart services, job done.  My 2GB file is being created in the dir that is defined.

On another note the original dir $EVRHOME/tmp had funny ownership, so I could not write files in it or delete it or chown it.  So this is why NO ube’s were running.

NOTE-1382787.1 was very helpful for me

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