Friday, 22 February 2013

JD Edwards demonstration server release 9.1 with OVR

I’ve publicised this a lot, but this is a new URL that does not have a port, so it makes it easier in corporates with firewalls.
This is a complete JDE E1 install on OEL and OVM3.  Templates were used.  OVR is functional, knock yourselves out. [thanks Jon!]
username: myr_demo
password: demopwd


Jon said...

Thanks! I think the URL you posted also needs to have the jde/E1Menu.maf at the end.

Shannon Moir said...

oh yeah, thanks... - you'd think that I would test it!

Anonymous said...

When you try to view any of the One View reports, a second window opens with the BI Publisher Enterprise sign-on screen. I tried myr-demo but this is not a valid ID.

Shannon Moir said...

Hi. I'm guessing that it must be some browser compatibility problem. I've got no problems using P41270 and IE7. It does not work with Safari on my mac either... OneView uses alternate credentials for logging into BIP, which are set from P0092. We use a different user and password for this. Please try an alternate browser, I *think* things are okay.