Tuesday, 27 November 2012

AS/400 monitoring and replacement variables

System Monitor Replacement Variables:

Parameter Passed Data
&DATE The Date the monitor triggered or reset
&INTVL Collection interval: How often the monitor collected data (in seconds)
&MON The Monitor name
&RDUR Reset duration: How many intervals does the reset value have to be met before the monitor resets.
&RVAL Reset value: The value that the metric was monitoring for when the monitor reset
&SEQ Sequence number: A unique, incrementing number assigned to each collection interval. Can be used in a
program to compare when triggers happened and in what sequence.
&TDUR Trigger duration: How many intervals does the trigger value have to be met before the monitor triggers
&TIME The time the monitor triggered or reset
&TVAL Trigger value: The value that the metric was monitoring for when the monitor triggered
&VAL Current value: The actual value of the metric when the monitor triggered (2)

Job Monitor Replacement Variables:

Parameter Passed Data
&DATE The Date the monitor triggered or reset
&INTVL Collection interval: How often the monitor collected data (in seconds)
&MON The monitor name
&TIME The time the monitor triggered or reset
&ENDPOINT The endpoint system name
&EVENTTYPE Event type: The type of trigger or reset that is happening, defined as follows:
Triggered Event = 1
Auto Reset Event = 2
Manual Reset Event = 3
&JOBNAME The job name of the job causing the trigger/reset
&JOBNUMBER The job number of the job causing the trigger/reset
&JOBSTATUS The job status causing a trigger/reset
&JOBTYPE The job type of the job causing the trigger/reset
&JOBUSER The job user of the job causing the trigger/rese
&NUMCURRENT Current numeric value
&NUMRESET Threshold value to cause auto-reset of numeric metric
&NUMTRIGGER Threshold value to cause trigger of a numeric metric
&OWNER Monitor owner
&RDUR Reset duration, in intervals, as set in the threshold
&RESETTYPE Reset type and defined as follows:
Manual reset = 1
Automatic reset = 2
&SBS Subsystem of the job causing the trigger/reset
&SERVER Server type of the job causing the trigger/reset.
Note: Not supported for summary metrics.
&TDUR Trigger duration, in intervals, as set in the threshold
&THRESHOLD Threshold number causing the trigger
&MSGID Message ID causing the trigger/reset
&MSGSEV Message severity causing the trigger/reset
&MSGTYPE Message type causing the trigger/reset

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