Tuesday, 23 August 2011

What is my JDNI URL for RTE in SM going to be (for OAS)


So you are faced with a screen like the above, how are you going to find out the correct jdni port to use?  It seems that there are a number of support documents that state things like:

x. Provider URL: opmn:ormi://ServerABC:6003:ContainerXYZ (where 'ServerABC' is the name of your Transaction Server and 'ContainerABC' is OAS the container containing the application)

and to use 6003, it’s the default…  That is all well and good, but who is actually default?

A good article is found here:


opmnctl status –l

Processes in Instance: SYCBSSV.xxx.com.au
ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status   |        uid |  memused |    uptime | ports
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:DVBSSV2       |    5812 | Alive    |        509 |   222340 |   0:06:03 | jms:12603,ajp:12502,rmis:12703,rmi:12403
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:DVTRNSRV      |    6028 | Alive    |        503 |   480508 | 646:53:53 | jms:12604,ajp:12503,rmis:12704,rmi:12404
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:PDBSSV        |    7880 | Alive    |        502 |   621536 | 647:23:11 | jms:12602,ajp:12501,rmis:12702,rmi:12402
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:home          |    4164 | Alive    |        495 |   328380 | 1388:58:~ | jms:12601,ajp:8888,rmis:12701,rmi:12401
ASG                              | ASG                |     N/A | Down     |        N/A |      N/A |       N/A | N/A
HTTP_Server                      | HTTP_Server        |    4688 | Alive    |        494 |    86324 | 1388:58:~ | http6:6080,http5:8883,http4:8884,http3:8881,https1:443,http2:7200,http1:92

It’s the RMI port that you should use for your JNDI queries, so grab the RMI port from the output above and use that:

So, if you used 12404, you’d be good!

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