Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Keep your transactions in the transaction server

As you know, RTE’s are written to F90710 with a status 2 from JDE.

The database trigger updates the record to a status 3 and also updates the event sequence (this is important)

The RTE then updates to a 4 – saying that it’s trying to put the message into a Queue.

If successful the transaction server will delete the event.

If you want to keep your events, ensure that the following setting is in the TXN servers JAS.INI



The events will then be kept in the F90710 at a status 5.

update TESTDTA.F90730 set USUKID = @seqnum + 1 where current of seqnum_cursor
        update TESTDTA.F90710 set ETEVNTTIME = getdate(), ETEVNTST = 3, ETEVNTSEQ = @seqnum where ETEVNTID = @eventid

Remember that this is an insert based trigger, so if you want to process events again without breaking the sequence number in the transaction server.  You need to copy the records out to a temp F90710, update the status to a 2 and insert them again.

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