Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Run applications on FAT or WEB client

What’s more politically correct?

Fat client?  Thick client?  They are both a little offensive.  Oh well…

When you are writing a quick app and the local CNC cannot get the local web running, what are you going to do?  That right, use the FAT boy for a quick test.


That’s right, edit the SIANSIF flag in F9860 for your application. 

W – Web Only

‘  ‘ – both  (NEEDS TO BE 1 SPACE)

C – client only

update ol812.f9860 set siansif = ' ' where siobnm = 'P55SCPXY' ;

remember to commit;  It must be a space too, not a ‘’ or null

Then OMW will look like:


Ahh, that’s better.

Warnings about this:

  • this is not good for testing, things DO NOT behave the same of FAT and THEN
  • Events can fire differently between the two environments
  • Do NOT use this for testing production bound code, naughty
  • You should use local web for testing, really.  Some form types do not work with the FAT

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