Tuesday, 13 July 2010

jdedebug jde.log the last line might not be the last line!

I’m using – seems to be fairly solid release.

Doing some debugging on the server and the clients and they are telling me that a call to some DecimalTriggerGetByLT_CO_CRCD function, but it’s actually not.

There are a few debug lines that are not being flushed from the stdout / stderr.

When I debug the process through msdev, I put the Output=BOTH setting on for [DEBUG].  This has the affect of writing stdout to a window “Debug” in visual studio.  It’s slow, but it’s cool.

You then see the flushed io and the actual last statement that is being run, a cheeky select on the F03B11!!

So remember that your debug logs might be lying to you.

I think that there is a flush setting for the JDE.INI [DEBUG] stanza, but I don’t know what it is.


Anonymous said...

I am more of an apps guy, is it possible that the get decimal currency function is executing the SQL statement?

Shannon Moir said...

You are quite right that is comes from a multi-currency trigger, but this should not stop it being logged in the same way that every other function is logged.

When the function is put though the "debugger" you see that it does get a number of lines ahead (in the debug) before it dies.

Set debug to BOTH or AUX, not file and see the true debug through the debugger.