Thursday, 11 June 2009

8.98 web dev feature

Where do I start…

You definitely cannot install the H4A61_setup.exe if you have WAS6.0 locally.  Note that you will not get any error messages or anything, it’ll just fail.

You can go to the WASHOME\bin dir and run command “versionInfo.bat” file and it will tell you the exact version of the local WAS express product.

Then run the associated install pgm from \\DEPSERVER\E812\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\ dir.

Note that you can do this at anytime and the correct webdev feature will be installed, even if u did not include it in the package build.

There are some command line options for the InstallShield program to help u too:

H4A61_setup.exe -is:javaconsole -is:log c:\temp\install.log

Also change your TEMP and TMP env variables to something a little shorter

Also, there is a know issue where the WAS6 does not get uninstalled properly before installing WAS61, which will ensure that nothing will ever work again.

See this for instructions for manually removing WAS6: uninstalling Websphere Express 6.0

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