Friday, 19 June 2009

8.97 & above need FTP for media objects

To tell you the truth, I did not know that…


Tools Releases 8.97 and higher - Server Manager

With tools release 8.97 and higher it is no longer necessary to use the MO QUEUE folder path in the jas.ini, which was required in previous releases. The configuration now comes from the web.xml file and is automatically configured. As for the port and share settings, they are now incorporated in Server Manager. To access these settings:

  1. After logging into Server Manager, locate the EnterpriseOne HTML Server link under Managed Instances and select it.
  2. On the left navigation bar, locate Web Runtime under the Configuration header and select it.
  3. Under Web Runtime, you will see the same Media Object entries which were found in the jas.ini in previous releases.
    • Media Object FTP Port (This is the port and user being used for FTP. More on this below.)
    • Media Object FTP User ((Replace 'anonymous' with the appropriate username and password if you set up any security on your FTP server.)
    • Media Object FTP Password
    • Use Windows File Sharing (This setting defines whether the system will use FTP or Windows File Sharing for transferring media objects to the path in the P98MOQUE. To use FTP, do not check the box..)
  1. Make sure the admin user assigned to start the web services has privileges to the
    - moqueue folder on the JAS server
    - MEDIAOBJ\... folders on the deployment server
    MO Server needs to have permission for the WSAD ADMIN. There is a login User to the physical machine and there is WSAD Admin that starts the services. It is the WSAD Admin that requires rights on the Media Object Server. If the admin user who starts the web services does not have the permissions to these directories, then when the end users log on to web clients, they will not be able to add media objects even though they are able to do this on fat clients.
  2. Check the HTTP, Websphere or Oracle Application Server (OAS), and Server Manager services on the jas server. Ensure these services are all being started with a network account user. If using a domain for your network, then this can be a network id which has been given the proper permissions. However, if using Workgroups, the user being used to start the services should be in the "Local Admin" group account on each server; not in the "Local System" account. Then make sure the other servers are being started with this account as well.

Note: After making any permission changes, be sure to stop/start services for server manager and then restart the jas instance using server manager.

Configuring FTP

By default, media objects are stored on the deployment server running a Windows operating system. Unless the Unix, Linux, or AS400 server hosting the HTML Web Server is able to map a network drive to the deployment server with read/write authority, FTP protocol should be used to store and retrieve media objects.

To prepare an FTP Server for Media Objects:
Follow the instructions below to add the FTP Server component to the deployment server. These instructions are based on the Windows operating system but may change as Microsoft has new releases. However, the steps will be similar.

  1. Open Add/Remove Programs from Control Panel
  2. On the left hand side, click Add/Remove Windows Components
  3. Select Internet Information Services (IIS)
  4. Click Details button
  5. Select File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server
  6. Click OK
  7. Click Next and finish the component installation.

Follow the instruction below to set up a Media Object directory on the FTP server

  1. Open Internet Services Manager from Administrative Tools in Control Panel
  2. Start the Default FTP Site
  3. Right click at Default FTP Site
  4. Select New -> Virtual Directory
  5. On Virtual Directory Alias screen, enter B7334 for ERP 8, B7333 for Xe, B9 for EnterpriseOne 8.9, E810 for 8.10, E811 for 8.11, E812 for 8.12, and E900 for 9.0.
  6. On FTP Site Content Directory screen, browse to appropriate B7334, B7333, B9, E810, E811, E812, or E900 directory
  7. On Access Permissions screen, select both Read and Write
  8. Click Finish to finish the configuration

Note: When setting up the FTP, make sure the path goes to the installed E1 directory such as c:\900 and not directly to the media object queue folder.

To configure the E1 HTML Web Server to use FTP for Media Object storage and retrieval, go back to the jas.ini or server manager and configure the [OWWEB] or Web Runtime section with the correct Port and login information.
To test your FTP site:
On your HTML Web Server, use an FTP client and manually connect to your deployment server using the information specified in the jas.ini. Change the current directory to B7333, B7334, B9, E810, E811, E812, or E900. Test putting and getting a file to and from the server.

Note: As mentioned previously, use the UPN naming convention for the Queue Path in P98MOQUE. For instance, if your deployment server for E900 is DEPSRV, your queue path should begin with \\DEPSRV\E900. To use this queue path, the HTML Web Server connects to DEPSRV using FTP on the port number specified in the jas.ini, and logs on using username/password also specified in the jas.ini. Then the HTML Web Server tries to change the current directory to E900. The E900 virtual directory must be available under the Default FTP Site.

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