Thursday, 26 April 2018

Service discovery and tools release

Okay, service discovery is cool and easy and might help your describe your services to someone.

Problem is that this could be much better with something like swagger – but you gotta start somewhere – hey!

you need to do a get from your AIS server with batch authentication

That is with a header something like:

Authorization: Basic U0hBTk5PTk06YWJjMTIz

Note that this was generated with a temp password, so nothing decent in that.

note that this is just username : password in base64

So, all you need to do it goto

type in my auth token above and see


Too easy, it’s already changed.

Here is a video showing what you can do

Note that a nice thing is getting the array syntax that I described the other day

    "name" : "20180424_CallSendMessage",     "omwObjectName" : "ORC_1804240002CUST",     "udoGroup" : "Personal",     "description" : "Confirm it",     "inputFormat" : "JDE Standard",     "version" : "v2",     "inputs" : [ {       "name" : "SingleInputString",       "type" : "String"     }, {       "name" : "ColourList",       "type" : "Array",       "array" : [ {         "name" : "Colour",         "type" : "String"       } ]     } ],


Md Arshi said...

The youtube for service discovery was not clear.

Shannon Moir said...

it is a little fuzzy, I'll see if I can get a better one!