Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Embark on IoT–where do you start

If I was going to implement some IoT to show the boss, I’d probably use the orchestrator in JDE.  It’s pretty cool and pretty simple and you could impress the boss fairly easily.  But, what if you REALLY wanted to impress the boss.  What if you wanted to be able to support disconnected devices, tonne’s of messages and what about a thing shadow?  All native when looking at the AWS IoT offering. 

Local caching, look no further than https://aws.amazon.com/greengrass/

Greeengrass is like an offline agent for IoT, awesome and native for the suite.

I’m also unsure how JDE might process millions of devices and trillions of messages, as I know that AWS can scale out to.

Connect An IoT Device

Above shows the native consumption of MQTT messages into the AWS engine.

Process IoT Data

You can see that the above is for an autonomous car, forget that though – it could be a freezer for all I care.  The cool things are the fact that the data can be processed into a data warehouse using redshift or even big data processing locations in inexpensive S3 buckets.   Save it all for later.  This also shows real time insights using quicksight, a possible downstream product of big data analysis.  Also using ML and AI for predictive.  This would call orchestrations in JDE (or just AIS calls) to raise work orders and react to the breaches of IoT configured thresholds.

                A high-level view of AWS IoT

A complete solution is available, as seen above.  Making a thing shadow a native part of the tool kit.  This is something that is going to be very important with IoT moving forward, being able to interrogate a digital double.  Imagine putting on the VR goggles and being able to see the entire physical device as a digital double of any asset that you are maintaining.  Pointing your virtual hands to any part of the machine and being able to see all of the values that are being sent to IoT.  Welcome to the future!

Use JDE for what it’s good at – use well architected integration, use best of breed cloud solutions where appropriate!

1 comment:

Nathan Robert said...

This blog is the best that I have come across. All the efforts you put in the blog post is appreciable. The entire blog is informative. internet of things , IOT for CNC machines