Thursday, 30 November 2017

Transaction server in no time

It’s mandatory in this new event driven publisher and subscriber world.

Let’s make it better than the original, stay with me.

First, you need a component


upload it to SM


Remember that ports are tricky for this bad boy, you need to read one of my previous posts ( .  You also need to ensure that you have installed the dbtemplates.exe into the database.

let’s not get too ahead of ourselves though.


upload then distribute to the web server you want to use

And it never appears in the list, nice one server manager!


Second time is a charm

distribute to my web server, it already has 100 things running…  Oh well, what’s another.


Now, create a server.


Choose transaction server


Choose a name and GO


You might want to include environment as part of the name.


Create it


Great, we have a running transaction server


We now need to do some JDE config to get things working.  First check for triggers on F90710


We have nothing here…

you need to run dbtemplates.exe –create from command window from a fatty if they are not there


You get a window like this


Then you see the trigger


P90701A Form –> configure servers –> add


Remember that this is the listen port from your config


Activate it!

Same for system and server map

Add some subscribers


You need to see your queue names, login to the weblogic console for the RTE server





Choose your module under services module


Connection factory


Activate your changes with the new connection factory

Now create a new queue


done – jms/RadQueue


Soo…. all of the config is done in JDE, have a subscriber.  have events set up and active for my environment.

Everything is looking good.


Server manager tells me that I have two commited events, nice.

I want to see the data now, next post – hermes JMS

Friday, 17 November 2017

Movember just went high tech!

I'm doing movember again this year - men's health is a great cause and I like to do my thing.  I think that the movember movement is slowing down in Australia.

I made my movember a little more innovative than most - surprise!

I decided to firstly create a QRCode, so that people could easily donate:

That was simple, my donation URL is So I converted that with

 Cool, so now people can scan and donate, that was easy!

Add some rhyme, and I'm away.

The next part is cooler, I own some estimote beacons, so why don't I program them to show my donation page. I need to go to to generate a short URL, as I can only save 17 bytes, but that is easy.

This is the beacon I've put outside my office.  I now get out my android phone and we have a donation site being pushed out to anyone listening to the physical web.  Fingers crossed that my technology is going to get some donations.

The above is a screen shot from my phone showing the two beacons that I have projecting web sites.

Beacons are really cool (IoT) devices, we are implementing them at a number of clients and integrating them into JDE.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Embark on IoT–where do you start

If I was going to implement some IoT to show the boss, I’d probably use the orchestrator in JDE.  It’s pretty cool and pretty simple and you could impress the boss fairly easily.  But, what if you REALLY wanted to impress the boss.  What if you wanted to be able to support disconnected devices, tonne’s of messages and what about a thing shadow?  All native when looking at the AWS IoT offering. 

Local caching, look no further than

Greeengrass is like an offline agent for IoT, awesome and native for the suite.

I’m also unsure how JDE might process millions of devices and trillions of messages, as I know that AWS can scale out to.

Connect An IoT Device

Above shows the native consumption of MQTT messages into the AWS engine.

Process IoT Data

You can see that the above is for an autonomous car, forget that though – it could be a freezer for all I care.  The cool things are the fact that the data can be processed into a data warehouse using redshift or even big data processing locations in inexpensive S3 buckets.   Save it all for later.  This also shows real time insights using quicksight, a possible downstream product of big data analysis.  Also using ML and AI for predictive.  This would call orchestrations in JDE (or just AIS calls) to raise work orders and react to the breaches of IoT configured thresholds.

                A high-level view of AWS IoT

A complete solution is available, as seen above.  Making a thing shadow a native part of the tool kit.  This is something that is going to be very important with IoT moving forward, being able to interrogate a digital double.  Imagine putting on the VR goggles and being able to see the entire physical device as a digital double of any asset that you are maintaining.  Pointing your virtual hands to any part of the machine and being able to see all of the values that are being sent to IoT.  Welcome to the future!

Use JDE for what it’s good at – use well architected integration, use best of breed cloud solutions where appropriate!

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

A really quick oracle performance test–what did you get?

Ever had a slow down that you cannot really explain, I know that I have.

What you always need is a set of baseline tests, things that ground your expectations.

Remember that we’ve provided these sorts of things with ERP analytics (at a high level)

and performance benchmark - (which I think is really cool).

But let’s take it down another notch, database only!

Imagine that things are slowing down and you want to find a problem.  Performance problems are like a pyramid, where there is something like:


If you’re hardware is rubbish, everything will be rubbish.

If you’re database is rubbish, everything will be rubbish…

You see where I’m going.

So, I’d first run some dd commands on the hardware to check disk speeds, I’d check the location of the data disks and then the redo disks.  I check the disk speed where temp is written and swap.  make sure they are all pretty quick.

[root@ronin0-net1 homewood]# dd if=/dev/zero of=speedtest1.dmp oflag=direct conv=notrunc bs=1M count=11200

6527+0 records in

6527+0 records out

6844055552 bytes (6.8 GB) copied, 299.438 seconds, 22.9 MB/s

The above would indicate a VERY large problem

[root@ronin0 homewood]# dd if=/dev/zero of=speedtest1.dmp oflag=direct conv=notrunc bs=1M count=11200

11200+0 records in

11200+0 records out

11744051200 bytes (12 GB) copied, 25.8044 seconds, 455 MB/s

The above would make you smile!

Then – you’ve tested the performance of a bunch of locations  - happy days.  Now the database.

Once again, simple things for simple people.

create a sql script with the following contents:

set echo on
set feedback on
set timing on
spool output.txt
   execute immediate 'drop table testdta.f0101perf';
   execute immediate 'create table testdta.f0101perf as select * from testdta.F0101 where 1 = 0';
   execute immediate 'grant all on testdta.f0101perf to PUBLIC';
   for a in 1..10000 loop
      insert into testdta.f0101perf select * from testdta.F0101 where aban8 = 100;
   end loop;

And run it at the commandline:

C:\Users\shannonm>sqlplus JDE@orcl @shannon.sql

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Nov 1 14:03:53 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> set feedback on
SQL> set timing on
SQL> spool output.txt
SQL> begin
   2    execute immediate 'drop table testdta.f0101perf';
   3    execute immediate 'create table testdta.f0101perf as select * from testdt
a.F0101 where 1 = 0';
   4    execute immediate 'grant all on testdta.f0101perf to PUBLIC';
   5    for a in 1..100000 loop
   6       insert into testdta.f0101perf select * from testdta.F0101 where aban8
= 100;
   7       commit;
   8    end loop;
   9  end;
  10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:31.75
SQL> quit;
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64
bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options


So, now we can open our results file, which is placed in the dir we ran the script from (again, nothing fancy). output.txt.  Remember Address book 100 should exist – I could make that smarter with = (select max(aban8) from crpdta.f0101), but that would be an extra table scan (index and sort) that I did not want to execute.

What does this do?

Creates a copy of F0101 and then insert’s 100,000 records into it.

SQL> begin
   2    execute immediate 'drop table testdta.f0101perf';
   3    execute immediate 'create table testdta.f0101perf as select * from testdta.F0101 where 1 = 0';
   4    execute immediate 'grant all on testdta.f0101perf to PUBLIC';
   5    for a in 1..100000 loop
   6        insert into testdta.f0101perf select * from testdta.F0101 where aban8 = 100;
   7        commit;
   8    end loop;
   9  end;
  10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:31.75
SQL> quit;

Remember, that this is not really testing index creation and index tablespaces, so you might want to make the test a little more realistic, but you get the picture.  It’s easy to get a bunch of indexes on the table and go from there.

Then you need to work on installing performance benchmark to start getting the stats on the other parts of your ERP – oh and ERP analytics (