Tuesday, 4 July 2017

rapid data selection entry the easy way–thanks James!

Have you ever lamented entering in loads of items into data selection?  Had them in a spreadsheet and thought this should be easier! 
Ever wanted to cut and paste from a spreadsheet directly into data selection?  Well, today might be your day.
in your browser Goto chrome://extensions (yes – this is chrome only)
The official release is here:

What does it do?

2 cool things

You can cut and paste data selection – totally RAD
You can identify object identifications
clip_image008  (shift and left click will copy the id to the clipboard)
In the instance above, 54
Now the big one, ever needed to cut and paste 100 items into data selection?
No more.
Grab your column from a spreadsheet, and just paste
See there is two new controls, somewhere to paste data selection and somewhere to trigger the action.
Just paste your values in from a spreadsheet:
Then hit Add!
Wow, that might have just saved you a lot of time.
All thanks to James for putting this neat plugin together.
Now that you know how this works, please let us know any other enhancements or productivity gains that we could put into the plugin.


Unknown said...

Nice plugin. Here's one for you. . .Want a data selection of GL date less than today? . ."I'd like to see that!"

Rgds. David Walker

Shannon Moir said...

Sounds like a good idea, I'll add it to the list! Thanks DW.

Dan Turkeltaub said...

I tried to install the plugin to Chrome 83.0.4103.61. I can paste in a list, but when I hit the plus, I only get zero in the bottom box.