Wednesday, 10 August 2016

compare my AS/400 and oracle performance for JD Edwards–how to?


I want to simulate some batch activity quickly, so this is what I’m going to do.

Firstly, my new system is an ODA and my old system is an iSeries.  Yes, I think they are dying off now.

I need to get a good cross section of batch activity from the 400 and run this on the ODA, no problems.  I use some of the scripts that I’ve previously posted over the F986114 et al to get a selection of jobs that on average took longer than 15 seconds to run.  You can see the query below.  So I have 884 unique job|version combinations from my AS/400 that I’m going to run on the ODA.

I’m then going to summarise the average job runtimes to see what is going on.

I appreciate that this is not an exact science, when looking at the differences – I’m going to look at the F986114A to see how many rows were processed, therefore being able to compare the results with a little more certainty.

SELECT 'runube JDE JDE PY910 *ALL ' || JCPID || ' ' || JCVERS ||
CASE  WHEN jcjobque IS NULL THEN N'QBATCH' WHEN jcjobque = ' ' THEN N'QBATCH' ELSE jcjobque END  || ' Batch Hold Save',
  t1.JCPID as INNERPID, t1.JCVERS as INNERVERS, simd || vrjd,
  count(1) as INNERCOUNT,
from t1,,, t2
where trim(t1.jcpid) = trim(siobnm)
and trim(t1.jcvers) = trim (vrvers)
and trim(t1.jcpid) = trim (vrpid)
and t1.jcjobnbr=t2.jcjobnbr
group by 'runube JDE PASSWORD PD910 *ALL ' || JCPID || ' ' || JCVERS ||
CASE  WHEN jcjobque IS NULL THEN N'QBATCH' WHEN jcjobque = ' ' THEN N'QBATCH' ELSE jcjobque END  || ' Batch Hold Save', t1.jcpid, JCVERS, simd || vrjd having Avg(86400*(JCETDTIM-JCSTDTIM)) > 15;

This SQL created 884 of these, which I then just pasted into the command line, note that the second JDE is the “password”

runube JDE JDE PY900 *ALL R03B50     S0002     FPSLIK     Batch Hold Save
runube JDE JDE PY900 *ALL R03B50     S0001     FPSLIK     Batch Hold Save
runube JDE JDE PY900 *ALL R03B500X   F5001     JDEBATCH2  Batch Hold Save
runube JDE JDE PY900 *ALL R56202     S1501     COSTING2   Batch Hold Save
runube JDE JDE PY900 *ALL R03B571    F5000     JDEBATCH   Batch Hold Save
runube JDE JDE PY900 *ALL R42800     S1709     EODFIN     Batch Hold Save
runube JDE JDE PY900 *ALL R42800     S1707     EODFIN     Batch Hold Save

That is totally cool.

I turned off the SMTP server in the [MAIL] section of the JDE.INI – just in case it was sending emails to approve orders that some batch job is creating.


imageIO stats

imageonly 4 cores enabled

imageThis is the enterprise server, getting hammered

imageIO on the batch server

The next couple of posts are going to be the mechanics of comparison

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