Tuesday, 20 October 2015

getting OATS to work with OVR in E1–JDE load testing tips

This was not the easiest thing I’ve ever done, but interesting things never are.
I have been doing some load testing, but need to ensure that OVR reports are being load tested at the same time.  OVR, as you know runs on the xmlpserver / xmlpublisher technology from oracle.
Of course, I suspected that out of the box I might have a few issues getting this to work and I was not wrong.
I was getting a lot of errors like this:
http://e1ovr.myriad-it.com:9704/xmlpserver/io/zip/read-resource-cache 0.112 10-20 00:19:23 0.109  Warning Invalid HTTP response code: 500  Internal Server Error , for Url: http://e1ovr.myriad-it.com:9704/xmlpserver/io/zip/read-resource-cache   



So getting 500’s and 404’s when running, right – we need some fixes.

In general the server maintains cookies or passes header values back and forth to ensure that you have the ability to see it’s resources, xmlp is the same in this respect.  Passing the values that are recorded by OATS are never going to cut the mustard on a replay.  this is where you need to work out what variables that you need to ensure are unique for each session and then create some internal OATS variables for these.

For me this is generally a bit of trial and error, as really there is no way of determining exactly.

Here are some likely candidates for XMLP:

Likely are _xdo and _xtoken, but what you’ll find is _xdo is unique for the report being called, so only xtoken needs to be replaced.

You’ll find this hidden in a jde screen, use a regular expression like this for extraction:

http.solve("xtoken", "_xf=analyze&_xtoken=(.+?)'", "", false,
      Source.Html, 0, EncodeOptions.None)

Then you’ll also need to replace the unique number in the following string”":  cache:oracle.xdo.common.io.Cache5995658651262771787.tmp#  and pass this around to all commands that use it.

Note that this is the HTML returned by the command “http://jdebipubprod01.local:9704/xmlpserver/io/zip/allocate-resource-cache” search for allocate-resource-cache


Once both of the above are done, your load tests should start belting the OVR server just like they should.

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