Friday, 24 April 2015

Oracle application testing suite install woes–part 2

It’s the MOST frustrating thing to have a piece of software that should install in 15 minutes burn a day of time.  This is a day that you’ll never get back and a day that you cannot change for, as your quote says “1 hour to install and test”.  Far out!!!!  It’s also potentially the most frustrating day that you’ve been on the planet.

I’ve had my fair share of installation problems with OATS, but I find that you must be a mega administrator of the machine, or nothing is ever going to work.  Remember to run the installer as administrator too, just to get that out of the way.  Check that regedit works and you can create keys under the software tree.

I did an install that failed on the oxe installer (this is a REAL problem area for me), and then no matter how much restarting and cleaning up, the installer would not work.  It’s so painful.

C:\Users\shannon.moir>C:\software\OATS-W~2.287\\oxe\setup.exe /s /f1"C:\software

The command that it’s failing on is above, this has changed from the last release.  I’m installing

I tried about 8 times with FULL cleans that I’ve mentioned in a previous post.  (regedit, sc delete OracleATSHelper) etc etc.  Nothing worked.

I then decided to install the database manually, just by running C:\software\oats-win32-full-\oxe\setup.exe, leaving all the defaults and remembering the password.

I then ran the OATS installer manually (not choosing the works burger radio button) and chose to use an existing oracle database.  I chose all of the database defaults it gave me and entered the SYS password I chose earlier.  And POW (very batman) I have a working OATS installation.

I might just use this method from now on…

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