Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Love the new interface! Tools

I might get a TShirt made with some sort of social commentary about Rocks.

Wow, that gag took a long time for me…


Remember that myriad has a public facing demo environment for  I think the new interface is super crisp and cool.  What do you think?



This is a really cool screen which you need to remember as a CNC.  P98770  It is cool for a number of reasons.  But, one – is when you are like me and your brain is reaching capacity – it’s hard to remember what package is deployed to what machine.  Especially because the lookup for package build and deploy does not really highlight what is the active package when you are selecting a parent package (that is really silly I think).  As generally you want to build against the currently deployed full, or you are going to get a problem when you go to deploy.

Wait, this was supposed to be a quick post and it’s turned into a rant.  So this screen can quickly tell you what is deployed to what server.  Remember that when a JAS server is working out what package to start to use for auto=generation, it looks at the default logic location for the environment that is being accessed and then looks at the package that is deployed to that logic source, then generates from there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HI Shannon

i like your blog and your efforts in Myriad JDE online demo

Wish You All Success

Mohamed Radwan
JDE Consultant