Tuesday, 24 February 2015

SM console update goes pear shaped

Is is just me, or does this happen every time I update SM…  It goes bad…


I just chose to update my SM to and of course, when I try to login, I get the above – GREAT!

Resource not found on this server.

This is where you need to trusty old recovery commands:

How to troubleshoot an unsuccessful Management Console update?

To troubleshoot an unsuccessful Management Console update:

1. Stop the Management Console service.
2. Start the Management Console service.
3. Open a command prompt and navigate to this directory:
       where jde_home is the install path of the Management Console.
4. Invoke the redeployManagementConsoleredeployManagementConsole.cmd recovery script.

The script takes one parameter, which is the password used to initially install the Management Console.
For example: redeployManagementConsoleredeployManagementConsole.cmd password

Upon successful execution of this script you can log on to the Management Console application.

And viola:

15/02/24 21:56:25 Notification ==>Initialize ManagementConsole_WAR ends...

15/02/24 21:56:25 Notification ==>Started application : ManagementConsole

15/02/24 21:56:25 Notification ==>Binding web application(s) to site default-web
-site begins...

15/02/24 21:56:25 Notification ==>Binding ManagementConsole_WAR web-module for a
pplication ManagementConsole to site default-web-site under context root /manage

15/02/24 21:56:28 Notification ==>Initializing Servlet: com.jdedwards.mgmt.web.C
onsoleInit for web application ManagementConsole_WAR

15/02/24 21:56:38 Notification ==>Initializing Servlet: oracle.cabo.servlet.UIXS
ervlet for web application ManagementConsole_WAR

15/02/24 21:56:39 Notification ==>Binding web application(s) to site default-web
-site ends...

15/02/24 21:56:39 Notification ==>Application Deployer for ManagementConsole COM
PLETES. Operation time: 50338 msecs



We are away again…

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