Tuesday, 9 October 2012

SOAP connector address in WebSphere & updating webmethods JDE integration server

finding your soap port for websphere (used for connecting SIB explorer)

find serverindex.xml, in a dir like: D:\IBM\WebSphere61\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\config\cells\machinenwb01uNode01Cell\nodes\machine01uNode01


<specialEndpoints xmi:id="NamedEndPoint_1245837904248" endPointName="SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS">
  <endPoint xmi:id="EndPoint_1245837904248" host="nsgshsjdnwb01u.news.newslimited.local" port="8880"/>

Installing updates to your integration server for JDE

put the PSFT_E1_Adapter.zip int o the dir below



deactivate your existing JDE package

Choose install inbound releases

Choose the zip file you just copied into the inbound dir


You should get success

Activate it

Then all your connections should still be in the list of adapters:



Kushi.."Voice Of Happiness" said...

What is the latest 'PSFT_E1_Adapter' package version available?

Shannon Moir said...

Youd be crazy to continue the use if an adapter these days. Everything should be bssv. Still use web methids, but uncouple it with generic web services...