Wednesday, 17 October 2012

iSeries work station definitions–prompting options

Want to default a particular login option for all users on your terminal server for client access and do not know how – well I do.  A great start was found here, but alas the finish was not that great!

They said to change the user id field in the .cae field, but this is not right.

You will have a .cae file for all of the .ws definitions that you have.  You’ll want to modify the one that your users use. 


It’ll look something like the above.


Note that the userIdSource is basically an array, with 0 being “Use windows username” and 3 being “User Kerberos”

Change the UserIdSource to be the array value that you want, – 2 in my case for prompt ever time

Seems to have done the trick.

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