Wednesday, 26 September 2012

R9698711 and bulk table creation and maybe some R9698713 - R98403G

Okay, I’m tired of waiting for enhancements.  I know that this is an area fraught with danger, so please tread carefully.  Run things in proof mode first… etc etc.  Note that there is an enhancement rumour that will make this a 1 step process, but for the time being you might want to follow this.

I’ve been in this situation a number of times and thought I’d let you know what I do with it.  You run R9698711 (bless it’s cotton socks) and you get a large pile of rubbish come out the other end.  You are thinking, hey, E1 works fine – what is all of this rubbish…  It’s generally a result of ESU’s not generating tables, you not following special instructions and a plethora of other reasons.  You might also say that you don’t care much for “SPC Certificate Holding Table - UK – 43”, and I gotta be honest  - neither do I.  The problem is that when your site gets audited by another support organisation, this is the first thing that is picked apart (hey – I do it myself!).

Okay, back to the problem.  You get a huge list of table with problems – what are you going to to?

Remember what this report is doing, it’s comparing the specs to physical tables and making sure they are consistent.  This is for all tables & indexes.  Cool report!

step 1:  run the report to csv and load the csv into excel

step2:  look at all of the tables that have 0 rows and generate them all – how?

step3:  use my previous post about setting up quick data select and use the following formula in the spreadsheet:


=+CONCATENATE("objshell.sendkeys """,A2,"   %(a)""")

use the results column and past it into a InsertDSQuickly.vbs file – note that the header looke like below

set objShell = wscript.createobject("WScript.Shell")

Do until success = True
  Success = objshell.AppActivate("List Of Values")
  wscript.sleep 1000
wscript.sleep 100

objshell.sendkeys "+{TAB}+{TAB}"

objshell.sendkeys "A0005   %(a)"
objshell.sendkeys "A0006   %(a)"
objshell.sendkeys "A0009   %(a)"
objshell.sendkeys "A0010   %(a)"

This will almost complete your script for adding all of the data selection items for R98403G – this is the golden nugget of information.  You need to use this report, there are a pile of others out there, but they rely on the tables existing somewhere, and if they do not – you are stuck .

It has super simple processing options too:


Step 4: call up the data selection windows for R98403G, select object name and select list of values, then run your script.  This will efficiently type ALL missing tables in the data selection list and allow you to claim that you gen’d them all manually and it took you days.


The R98403G will then gen all your tables depending on the PO’s that you set.

I was able to clean up 363 entries in one swoop!

R9698713 -  will fix the indexes – not the base tables.  This would be your second sweep.  You fix all of the 0 record tables first (hey this makes total sense, if the specs are wrong it’s gunna be hard to get data into them).  Then run the R9698713 report to fix the indexes.

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