Tuesday, 31 July 2012

identifying what is in the oracle database download files

I have a similar post at http://shannonscncjdeblog.blogspot.com.au/search?q=oracle+download#!/2012/05/oracle-11203-downloads.html but the text was not searchable, as it was in a screen shot.  So I thought I would do it again, because I’m always doing the same things.

In general, you can identify the disks that you want with the following guide:


p10404530_112030_LINUX_1of7.zip 1.2 GB – DB

p10404530_112030_LINUX_2of7.zip 1.1 GB  - DB

p10404530_112030_LINUX_3of7.zip 916.2 MB - RAC

p10404530_112030_LINUX_4of7.zip 617.5 MB  - Client

p10404530_112030_LINUX_5of7.zip 577.3 MB  - Gateways

p10404530_112030_LINUX_6of7.zip 457.6 MB  - examples

p10404530_112030_LINUX_7of7.zip 108.5 MB – not too sure

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