Tuesday, 31 July 2012

command line proxy options for wget or other software linux and other handy commands when installing OVMM

proxy for a command

export http_proxy=http://smoir:password@proxy:8080


wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-el5.repo


mounting an iso file as a CD / DVD

mount -t iso9660 -o loop test.iso /mnt/test
create the mount point first of course
mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/filename /mnt/loop0
If you are lazy about firewall rules
Turn off firewall permanently
chkconfig iptables off
Final snippet for changng hard files warning
OVMM install
hard files not 8192

b.Edit /etc/security/limits.conf
root soft nofile 8192

root hard nofile 8192
c. Restart machine

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